In this facility, established 175 years ago, persons with disabilities have been treated as equals. Alongside support and accommodation, there are vocational opportunities which make the Workshops for Persons with Disabilities (WfbM, Werkstätten für Menschen mit Behinderung) possible.
Regens Wagner is located in Lautrach, not far from our company, making cooperation literally “close at hand”. For KLAUS Multiparking, many small parts such as screw and washers are packed by people employed there as installation materials – an important task with great responsibility, since nothing can be missing when it comes to installing our parking systems at a construction site.
Naturally, a tour of the company was due. Ten visibly interested members of the workshop had the opportunity to find out just how they are supporting KLAUS Multiparking through their work. Following a screen presentation and a demonstration of our parking systems in the courtyard, we then toured the production area, where the visitors readily recognised this or that small part.