The fact that our company’s sales are flourishing is thanks to an especially strong network of representatives in Germany – one that KLAUS Multiparking is rightfully proud of. Working directly with our many customers, our representatives score not only in terms of competence and a nose for sales, but also personality.
One of them has recently moved on to his well-deserved retirement: Helge Neumann. For him, well deserved, but painful for KLAUS Multiparking. He was a truly capable man who did a very good job: always available for customers and colleagues, engages and thorough from the preparatory phase through to invoicing, he was fair and always kept his word.
The successfully cooperation between Helge Neumann and KLAUS Multiparking lasted for decades. In commercial representation, which he took over from his uncle in 1995, he had previously been an employee. Now, this year, as he celebrates his 60th birthday, he also begins a new phase of life – without KLAUS Multiparking.
“At this time, we would like to offer our heartfelt thanks to Helge Neumann for his hard work. He was consistently known as a reliable and technically highly competent contact partner for all of his customers. Very often, it was thanks to him that KLAUS Multiparking was awarded numerous, sometimes challenging, projects. At this point, we would like to wish Mr Neumann good health, good luck and lots of fun in this new phase of life.
We can be no less proud to introduce today his successor, Timo Ziemann, from Ziemann Commercial Representation. Mr Ziemann knows that he will be following some very big footsteps but he is excellently prepared and is looking forward to this challenge.”
Michael Groneberg, Managing Director