
41 results:
MultiBase 2072i: Young- und Oldtimer intelligent parken Thomas Dederichs setzt bei der Unterbringung seiner Liebhaber-Fahrzeuge auf das innovative Parksystem von KLAUS Mulitparking
MultiBase 2072i: Concept becomes reality Revolution: Manufacturer of parking systems from Aitrach switches its MultiBase parking systems to an electro-hydraulic synchroniser Aitrach (jm).
Unsichtbarer Parkraum 4.0 Mit den neuen MultiBase-Unterflursystemen U10 und U20 von KLAUS Multiparking lassen sich Autos sicher unter der Erde parken Aitrach (jm). So gut versteckt waren
Twice the number of parking places in Niederrieden
It’s not always only in the faraway cities – additional parking space is also needed locally. In Niederrieden, the residents of the newly constructed complex there can now use two of our MultiBase
Time for something different: the MultiBase 2078i tilts even the heaviest of SUVs Revolution 2.0: Klaus Multiparking has developed its second iParker with an electro-hydraulic synchroniser
Our Parkers at a glance Whether duplex garage, double parker or retractable garage: Our parkers offer space-saving solutions for urban spaces and every application area. Benefit from our efficient
A yacht feeling while parking your car
KLAUS Multiparking delivers a real wow factor for guests at YachtHotel Helvetia in Lindau
Our diverse product range for every requirement Our parking systems let users park their vehicles conveniently, quickly and safely – whether on private premises or in underground car parks or
Perfectly planned parking system with BIM models
KLAUS Multiparking now offers virtual 3D models for download. Premium service for planners and architects: KLAUS Multiparking GmbH now also offers 3D models of its parking systems for Building
From the old comes the new
For the most part, parking systems are installed in new building, but existing building complexes are also being equipped with systems from KLAUS Multiparking.
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